Sunday, July 3, 2011


  Nepal is a country of diversity . there are great geo-physical,climate  and biological diversities that have resulted diverse  socio-economic and cultural pattern in the country.It is the country that lies in the youngest fold mountain, Himalayan of the world. It ranges from about 60 meters elevation to the 8848m, the highest point of the world. From the  climatic point of view, it ranges from tropical to the tundra from south to north .
The southern belt is almost plain land and the northern belt is rocky and mountainous where there are thousands of snow peaks. The mahabharat  range that lies in between these two belts is the gently slopping land having river valleys and tars. This belts is gently slopping in the eastern parts and more steep in the western part.

The country is mainly drained by the three major river system namely koshi, gandaki and karnali from east to west respectively.

From the economic point of view, the terai is the extensive agricultural belt, the mid land is the fruit and gain crops growing area and the northern part is a very beautiful area suitable for touristic activities and livestock farming as well. In this way, diversity has been reflected in economic, social, cultural and other aspects of life. These make Nepal a unique countary in the map of the world.

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